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    Trauma Therapy

    Sensorimotor psychotherapy (SP) is a bottom up approach to processing trauma. When you experience overwhelming life events your nervous system can get stuck. You may have heard of this referred to as flight, fight, and freeze. SP works with your nervous system so you can stop living in survival mode.

    What can sensorimotor psychotherapy help with?


    -Having difficulty concentrating due to fear, upsetting thoughts, or unwelcome physical (body) sensations

    -Intense and disturbing emotional reactions that seam out of place with the present situation

    -Post- traumatic stress: abuse, attack, accidents, flashbacks, nightmares. Feeling frozen or stuck in familiar circumstances without understanding why

    -Difficulty enjoying life, feeling hopeful, and experiencing pleasure

    -Relationship related wounds: neglect, harsh parenting during childhood, divorce, child-parent seperations

    -Persistent and regular negative thoughts about one’s ability to achieve, be successful, and deserving

    -Difficulty maintaining a job, a family, friendships and other relationships

    -Feeling detached from one’s self and the world

    If you or someone you know matches the trauma symptoms listed above, I am confident that I can help and invite you to contact me today for a free consultation.